Our products are divided in three main groups wich are stone fruit, pome fruit and kiwis.
Our pome fruit program is divided in convencional cold storage and we also store our fruit in controlled atmosphere giving us top quality year round.
The stone fruit program is very extensive beginning in late October and ending in late March having stone fruit available for almost 5 months of the year.
Our kiwi program is mostly of Hayward variety and it´s stored both in convetional and controlled atmosphere storage.
The pome group considers apples, pears and quince. In the sub-group we have most apple varieties such as Royal Gala, Granny Smith, Red Chief, Scarlett, Fuji and Cripps Pink.
In pears we have Packham´s, Summer Bartlett, Beurre Bosc and Fiorelle.
In quince we have the Champion variety
In stone fruit we have products beggining in October with Cherries and Peaches, we also have white and yellow flesh nectarines, apricots and plums.
We end our stone fruit season in late March.
Our kiwis are mostly Hayward and our availability is from late March until late August.